East Broyle Residents Association

"Your Community - Your Voice"


Our EBRA Highways representative keeps us and the Council up to date on road and pavement issues such as street lighting, poor conditions of road, including potholes, or pavement surface, parking issues and overgrown vegetation.

You can report any of the above direct to the council by emailing:


as well as us locally at:


We are proud of our estate and want to ensure that it continues to be a good and safe environment in which to live. EBRA is responsible for 11 salt and grit bins the estate. Each bin is looked after by a nearby resident. If you need any further information please contact our EBRA Highways representative by emailing: highways@eastbroyle.org.


The Residents’ Association have responded to many significant planning issues over the years. In some cases our response was to secure modifications to the proposals and in others we campaigned to have the plans rejected. You will see descriptions of our current concerns on our latest news and concerns page.

Neighbourhood Watch

Before we had Neighbourhood Watch on East Broyle we used to suffer from between 6 and 8 burglaries each year along with many other crimes such as criminal damage. As you are aware from our Bulletin reports these figures have reduced and some years we have no crimes at all.

People join Neighbourhood Watch to make the areas where they live safe, friendly and pleasant places to be. Neighbourhood Watch is about making sure that no one has to feel afraid, vulnerable or isolated in the place where they live. It's about people looking out for each other, crossing barriers of age, race and class to create real communities that benefit everyone. For more information visit the Chichester District Neighbourhood Watch site.

Tree Warden

Our Tree Warden's main task is to notify the appropriate authority giving early warning of disease, damage/decay (especially where harm to either property or people could result) as well as vandalism and threats to trees either on public land or those with a Tree Preservation Order. Through the tree warden EBRA has been involved with tidying up areas, filling in of stump holes, removal of trees killed by disease and the planning of many others including the 6 trees for the Golden Jubilee Celebration. If you have a tree or a shrub issue you are also encouraged to get in touch with us and we may be able to help you or find someone who can.

The Enhancement Group

The Enhancement Group was established in 2009 and has been responsible for planting bulbs on the banks as you enter Norwich Road and looks glorious in the Spring. Other enhancements have included the planting of the wall, a Jubilee ring of 6 silver birch trees, shrubs in front of the electricity and gas substations and the mast cabinet to screen them from view. A band of volunteers are critical for this and if you would like to join us in enhancing the estate then please get in touch with us by clicking yramturner@hotmail.co.uk.

The Walking Group

The EBRA walking group was established in 2010 and has 30-35 members from 22 properties. More than a dozen of these meet monthly on a week day throughout Spring, Summer and Autumn the date being set by leader of the walk. The walk normally consists of 4-5 miles and leave the estate around 10.00 by car. The walk usually concludes at a local hostelry! Back home around 2.30pm. If you are interested in joining in please contact Madaleine Owens on: madaleine.owens@hotmail.co.uk.